Receive the Kingdom

Receive the Kingdom Mark 10:13 – Now people were bringing little children to him for him to touch, but the disciples scolded those who brought them. 14 – But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them, forContinue reading “Receive the Kingdom”

Seeing Everything Clearly

Seeing Everything Clearly Mark 8:22 – Then they came to Bethsaida. They brought a blind man to Jesus and asked him to touch him. 23 – He took the blind man by the hand and brought him outside of the village. Then he spit on his eyes, placed his hands on his eyes and asked,Continue reading “Seeing Everything Clearly”

Bringing Their Babies

Bringing their Babies Luke 18:15 – Now people were even bringing their babies to him for him to touch. But when the disciple saw it, they began to scold those who brought them. 16 – But Jesus called for the children, saying, “Let the little children come to me and do not try to stopContinue reading “Bringing Their Babies”

The Lord is Willing

The Lord is Willing Matthew 8:1 – After he came down from the mountain, large crowds followed him. 2 – And a leper approached, and bowed low before him, saying, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” verse 3 – He stretched out his hand and touched him saying, “I am willing.Continue reading “The Lord is Willing”

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