The Lord and My Troubles

The Lord and My Troubles 2 Samuel 16:11 – So David ordered Abishai and all of his staff: “Look! My own son wants to kill me! How much more now is this descendant of Benjamin? Leave him alone and let him go on cursing, because the LORD has ordered him to do this. 12 –Continue reading “The Lord and My Troubles”

Joseph and Judah Leave Home

Joseph and Judah leave home Genesis 37:36 – Meanwhile, down in Egypt, the Midianites sold Joseph to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s court officials, who was also Commander-in-chief of the imperial guards. Genesis 38:1 – Right about then, Judah left his brothers and went to live with an Adullamite man named Hirah. It was around theContinue reading “Joseph and Judah Leave Home”

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