Bearing the Sin of Israel and Judah

Bearing the Sin of Israel and Judah Ezekiel 4:4 – Then stretching yourself out on your left side, take the sin of the children of Israel on yourself: for as long as you are stretched out,so long will the sin of the children of Israel be on you. 5 – for I have had theContinue reading “Bearing the Sin of Israel and Judah”

Christmas Series – Prophecy

Christmas Series – Prophecy Isaiah 7:10 – Later on, the LORD spoke to Ahaz again: 11 – “Ask a sign from the LORD your God. Make it as deep as Sheol or as high as heaven above.” 12 – But Ahaz replied, “I won’t ask! I won’t put the LORD to the test.” verse 13Continue reading “Christmas Series – Prophecy”

My God is So Big

My God is So Big! Exodus 10:1 – Then the LORD told Moses, “Go to Pharaoh, for I’ve hardened his heart and the hearts of his officials in order to perform these signs of mine among them, 2 – so you may tell your children and your grandchildren how I toyed with the Egyptians andContinue reading “My God is So Big”

Reluctant to Go

Reluctant to Go Exodus 4:1 – Then Moses answered, “Look, they won’t believe me and they won’t listen to me. Instead, they’ll say, ‘The LORD didn’t appear to you.’” 2 – “What’s that in your hand?” the LORD asked him. Moses answered, “A staff.” verse 3 – Then God said, “Throw it to the ground.”Continue reading “Reluctant to Go”

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