Unknown Name of Jesus

Unknown Name of Jesus Revelation 19:11 – Then I saw heaven opened and here came a white horse! The one riding it was called “Faithful” and “True,” and with justice he judges and goes to war. 12 – His eyes are like a fiery flame and there are many diadem crowns on his head. HeContinue reading “Unknown Name of Jesus”

Jesus and Samson

Jesus and Samson Judges 16:28 – Then Samson cried out to the LORD, “Lord GOD, please remember me. And please strengthen me this one time, God, so that I can repay the Philistines right now for my two eyes.” 29 – Then Samson grabbed the two middle pillars upon which the house rested and bracedContinue reading “Jesus and Samson”

In Control

In Control Judges 15:10 – The leading men of Judah asked, “Why have you invaded us?” They replied, “We’re here to arrest Samson. Then we’re going to do to him what he did to us.” 11 – In response, 3000 soldiers from the tribe of Judah went down to the caves of the rock ofContinue reading “In Control”

God’s Favorable Opportunity

God’s Favorable Opportunity Judges 14:18 – Then the men of the city answered him just before sunset on the seventh day: “What’s sweeter than honey? What’s stronger than lions?” Samson responded, “If you hadn’t plowed with my heifer you wouldn’t have solved my riddle.” verse 19 – Then the Spirit of the LORD rushed uponContinue reading “God’s Favorable Opportunity”

The Lion, The Spirit, and the Honey

The Lion, The Spirit, and the Honey Judges 14:5 – Then Samson went down in the direction of Timnah with his father and mother and arrived as far as the vineyards of Timnah. And – surprise! – a young lion came roaring at him! 6 – The Spirit of the LORD rushed upon him, andContinue reading “The Lion, The Spirit, and the Honey”

Moved by the Spirit

Moved by the Spirit Judges 14:1 – A while later, Samson went down to Timnah and observed a woman in Timnah who was of Philistine origin. 2 – Then he returned and told his father and mother, “In Timnah I saw a woman of Philistine origin.” He ordered them, “Get her for me as aContinue reading “Moved by the Spirit”

Nazirite Instructions

Nazirite Instructions Judges 13:3 – One day the angel of the LORD presented himself to the woman. “Hello!” he greeted her. “Though you are infertile at this time and haven’t borne a child, you’re about to conceive and give birth to a son. 4 – So be sure that you don’t drink wine or anythingContinue reading “Nazirite Instructions”

The Twelfth Judge – Miracle Birth

The Twelfth Judge – Miracle Birth Judges 13:1 – Some time later, the Israelis again practiced what the LORD considered to be evil, so the LORD handed them over into the domination of the Philistines for 40 years. 2 – There was one man from Zorah, from the family of the descendants of Dan, whoseContinue reading “The Twelfth Judge – Miracle Birth”

Christmas Series – Discovery

Christmas Series – Discovery Matthew 1:18 – Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah happened in this way. When his mother Mary was engaged to Joseph, before they lived together she was discovered to be pregnant by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was one with Father and Son and present when the plan wasContinue reading “Christmas Series – Discovery”

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