Whatever You Want

Whatever You Want 1 Kings 3:5 – The LORD appeared to Solomon one night in a dream and told him, “Ask me for whatever you want and I’ll give it to you.” 6 – So Solomon said: “You have demonstrated abundant gracious love to your servant David, my father, as he lived in your presenceContinue reading “Whatever You Want”

Psalm of Deliverance Part 3: Made Blameless

Psalm of Deliverance Pt 3: Made Blameless 2 Samuel 22:21 – The LORD dealt with me according to my righteousness, rewarding me according to the degree of my innocence, 22 – because I have kept the LORD’s way – I haven’t willfully abandoned my God –23 – and because all of his decrees remain inContinue reading “Psalm of Deliverance Part 3: Made Blameless”

Invited to the Marriage

Invited to the Marriage Revelation 19:7 – Let us rejoice, be glad, and give him glory, because the marriage of the lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready. 8 – She has been given the privilege of wearing fine linen, dazzling and pure.” (The fine linen represents the righteous deeds of theContinue reading “Invited to the Marriage”

The Lord and My Troubles

The Lord and My Troubles 2 Samuel 16:11 – So David ordered Abishai and all of his staff: “Look! My own son wants to kill me! How much more now is this descendant of Benjamin? Leave him alone and let him go on cursing, because the LORD has ordered him to do this. 12 –Continue reading “The Lord and My Troubles”

The Amalek Test

The Amalek Test 1 Samuel 15:1 – Samuel told Saul, “The LORD sent me to anoint you king over his people, Israel. Now listen to the words of the LORD. 2 – This is what the LORD of Heavenly Armies says: ‘I’ll punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, when he set himself againstContinue reading “The Amalek Test”

Saul Among the Prophets

Saul Among the Prophets 1 Samuel 10:9 – Now it happened as Saul turned his back to leave Samuel, that God gave him another heart, and all these signs occurred on that day. 10 – When they arrived there at Gibeah, a band of prophets was right there to meet them. The Spirit of GodContinue reading “Saul Among the Prophets”

Abdon the Eleventh Judge

Abdon the Eleventh Judge Judges 12:13 – Hillel the Pirathonite’s son Abdon governed Israel after him [Elon]. 14 – He had 40 sons and 30 grandsons who rode on 70 donkeys. He governed Israel for eight years. 15 – Then he died and was buried at Pirathon in the territory of Ephraim, in the mountainousContinue reading “Abdon the Eleventh Judge”

The Birthright

The Birthright Genesis 25:27 – As the boys were growing up, Esau became skilled at hunting and was a man of the outdoors, but Jacob was the quiet type who tended to stay indoors. 28 – Isaac loved Esau, because he loved to hunt, while Rebekah loved Jacob. While Isaac and Rebekah were a matchContinue reading “The Birthright”

Genesis 21:22 – God is With You

God is With You Genesis 21:22 – Now at that time, Abimelech and Phicol, the captain of his army, said to Abraham, I see that God is with you in all you do. If we desire a connection with God – everyone is going to see it. Some will want to join while some willContinue reading “Genesis 21:22 – God is With You”

Saved From Destruction

Saved From Destruction Genesis 19:23 – The sun had risen over the land about the time Lot reached Zoar. 24 – Then the LORD rained sulfur and fire out of the sky from the LORD on Sodom and Gomorrah, God, in His great mercy, saved Lot and his daughters from being destroyed with the cities.Continue reading “Saved From Destruction”

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