God Our Protector

God Our Protector 2 Samuel 22:32 – Indeed, who is God besides the LORD? Who is a protector besides our God? 33 – The one true God is my mighty refuge; he removes the obstacles in my way. verse 34 – He gives me the agility of a deer; he enables me to negotiate theContinue reading “God Our Protector”

Fear of the Lord

Fear of the Lord Proverbs 14:26 – In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence, and it will be a refuge for his children. 27 – The fear of the LORD is like a life-giving fountain, to turn people from deadly snares. Consider also Hebrews 11:6 which says: Now without faith it isContinue reading “Fear of the Lord”

The Lord, My Protector

The Lord, My Protector Psalm 144:1 – The LORD, my protector, deserves praise – the one who trains my hands for battle, and my fingers for war, 2 – who loves me and is my stronghold, my refuge and my deliverer, my shield and the one in whom I take shelter, who makes nations submitContinue reading “The Lord, My Protector”

A Complete End

A Complete End Nahum 1:7 – The LORD is good – indeed, he is a fortress in time of distress, and he protects those who seek refuge in him. 8 – But with an overwhelming flood he will make a complete end of Nineveh; he will drive his enemies into darkness. 9 – Whatever youContinue reading “A Complete End”

Psalm of Deliverance Part 1: My Stronghold

Psalm of Deliverance Pt 1: My Stronghold 2 Samuel 22:1 – David composed the words of this song to the LORD the very day the LORD delivered him from the domination of all of his enemies, including from Saul’s hands. 2 – This is what he said: LORD, you are my stone stronghold and myContinue reading “Psalm of Deliverance Part 1: My Stronghold”

Ruth Finds Refuge

Ruth Finds Refuge Ruth 2:8 – Boaz then addressed Ruth: “Listen, my daughter! Don’t glean in any other field. Don’t even leave this one, and be sure to stay close to my women servants. 9 – Keep your eyes on the field where they are harvesting, and follow them. I’ve ordered my young men notContinue reading “Ruth Finds Refuge”

Cleansed by Blood

Cleansed by Blood Numbers 35:33 – “You must not pollute the land where you live, for blood defiles the land, and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed there, except by the blood of the person who shed it. 34 – Therefore do not defile the land that you will inhabit,Continue reading “Cleansed by Blood”

Abram’s Shield and Reward

Abram’s Shield and Reward Genesis 15:1 – Some time later, a message came from the LORD to Abram in a vision: “Don’t be afraid, Abram. I am your shield. Your reward will be very great.” We can claim the same promise today. It is written throughout the Scriptures: Proverbs 30:5 says: “Everything God says isContinue reading “Abram’s Shield and Reward”

A Time Like This

A Time Like This Has there ever been a time like this: Pandemic, Economy, unemployment, Distancing and now rioting?. Let’s continue watching, praying, and passing on the hope of Jesus Christ to the generations coming after us. Here are some words today from Joel 1 verse 1 – This message from the LORD came toContinue reading “A Time Like This”

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