Moving Land and Sea

Moving Land and Sea Genesis 1:9 – God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place and let dry ground appear.” It was so. 10 – God called the dry ground “land” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” God saw that it was good. Beginning at creation we see thatContinue reading “Moving Land and Sea”

Something Completely New

Something Completely New Isaiah 43:16 – This is what the LORD says, the one who made a road through the sea, a pathway through the surging waters, 17 – the one who led chariots and horses to destruction, together with a mighty army. They fell down, never to rise again; they were extinguished, put outContinue reading “Something Completely New”

Pagan gods are Nothing

Pagan gods are Nothing Isaiah 41:21 – “Present your argument,” says the LORD, “Produce your evidence,” says Jacob’s king. 22 – “Let them produce evidence! Let them tell us what will happen! Tell us about your earlier predictive oracles, so we may examine them and see how they were fulfilled. Or decree for us someContinue reading “Pagan gods are Nothing”

The Lord is Among Us

The Lord is Among us Exodus 17:5 – The LORD said to Moses, “Go over before the people; take with you some of the elders of Israel and take in your hand your staff with which you struck the Nile and go. 6 – I will be standing before you there on the rock inContinue reading “The Lord is Among Us”

Lead to the Red Sea

Lead to the Red Sea Exodus 13:17 – When Pharaoh released the people, God did not lead them by the way to the land of the Philistines, although that was nearby, for God said, “Lest the people change their minds and return to Egypt when they experience war.” 18 – So God brought the peopleContinue reading “Lead to the Red Sea”

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