Better than Sons and Daughters

Better than Sons and Daughters Isaiah 56:1 – This is what the LORD says, “Promote justice! Do what is right! For I am ready to deliver you; I am ready to vindicate you openly. 2 – The people who do this will be blessed, the people who commit themselves to obedience, who observe the SabbathContinue reading “Better than Sons and Daughters”

The Honorable Man

The Honorable Man Isaiah 32:1 – Look, a king will promote fairness; officials will promote justice. 2 – Each of them will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from a rainstorm; like streams of water in a dry region and like the shade of a large cliff in a parched land.Continue reading “The Honorable Man”

Learn to do Right!

Learn to do Right! Isaiah 1:13 – Do not bring any more meaningless offerings; I consider your incense detestable! You observe new moon festivals, Sabbaths, and convocations, but I cannot tolerate sin-stained celebrations! 14 – I hate your new moon festivals and assemblies; they are a burden that I am tired of carrying. 15 –Continue reading “Learn to do Right!”

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