Part of the Family

Part of the Family Luke 8:19 – Now Jesus’ mother and his brothers came to him but they could not get near him because of the crowd. 20 – So he was told, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.” 21 – But he replied to them, “My mother andContinue reading “Part of the Family”

One of a Kind

One of a Kind Mark 14:18 – While they were at the table eating, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, one of you eating with me will betray me.” 19 – They were distressed, and one by one said to him, “Surely not I?” verse 20 – He said to them, “It is oneContinue reading “One of a Kind”

Jeremiah’s Call

Jeremiah’s Call Jeremiah 1:4 – This message from the LORD came to me: 5 – “I knew you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart for me before you were born; I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.” verse 6 – I replied, “Ah, LORD God! Look, IContinue reading “Jeremiah’s Call”

So We Can Survive

So We Can Survive Genesis 43:8 – “Send the young man with me,” Judah told his father Israel, “And we’ll get up and go so we can survive and not die – and that includes all of us, you and our families. 9 – I’ll even offer myself to guarantee that I’ll be responsible forContinue reading “So We Can Survive”

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