God Deserves Praise

God Deserves Praise Psalm 66:16 – Come! Listen, all you who are loyal to God! I will declare what he has done for me. 17 – I cried out to him for help and praised him with my tongue. 18 – If I had harbored sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.Continue reading “God Deserves Praise”

With Great Power

With Great Power Psalm 66:1 – Shout out praise to God, all the earth! 2 – Sing praises about the majesty of his reputation! Give him the honor he deserves! 3 – Say to God: “How awesome are your deeds! Because of your great power your enemies cower in fear before you. 4 – AllContinue reading “With Great Power”

Magnificent Reputation

Magnificent Reputation Psalm 8:1 – O Lord, our Lord, how magnificent is your reputation throughout the earth! You reveal your majesty in the heavens above! 2 – From the mouths of children and nursing babies you have ordained praise on account of your adversaries, so that you might put an end to the vindictive enemy.Continue reading “Magnificent Reputation”

Plans Made Long Ago

Plans Made Long Ago Isaiah 25:1 – O LORD, you are my God! I will exalt you in praise, I will extol your fame. For you have done extraordinary things, and executed plans made long ago exactly as you decreed. 2 – Indeed, you have made the city into a heap of rubble, the fortifiedContinue reading “Plans Made Long Ago”

Withstanding the Lamb’s Wrath

Withstanding the Lamb’s Wrath Revelation 6:12 – Then I looked when the Lamb opened the sixth seal, and a huge earthquake took place; the sun became as black as sackcloth made of hair, and full moon became blood red; 13 – and the stars in the sky fell to the earth like a fig treeContinue reading “Withstanding the Lamb’s Wrath”

Prayer from the Pit

Prayer from the Pit Jonah 2:5 – Water engulfed me up to my neck; the deep ocean surrounded me; seaweed was wrapped around my head. 6 – I went down to the very bottoms of the mountains; the gates of the netherworld barred me in forever; but you brought me up from the Pit, OContinue reading “Prayer from the Pit”

Not Within My Power

Not Within My Power Genesis 41:14 – Then Pharaoh summoned Joseph.  So they brought im quickly out of the dungeon; he shaved hismelf, changed his clothes, and came before Pharaoh. 15 – Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I had a dream, and there is no one who can interpret it. But I have heard about youContinue reading “Not Within My Power”

Mother of All the Living

Mother of All the Living Genesis 3:20 – The man named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all the living. Today’s the day we recognize our mothers. Adam recognized Eve as the mother of all the living. The very first mother. Here we are many generations later giving similar recognition to ourContinue reading “Mother of All the Living”

Psalms 100

Psalms 100 verse 1 – Shout out praises to the LORD, all the earth! 2 – Worship the LORD with joy! Enter his presence with joyful singing! Verse 3 – Acknowledge that the LORD is God! He made us and we belong to him; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 4 –Continue reading “Psalms 100”

House of Prayer

House of Prayer Matthew 21:12 – Then Jesus went into the Temple, threw out everyone who was selling and buying in the Temple, and overturned the moneychangers’ tables and the chairs of those who sold doves. 13 – He told them, “It is written, ‘My house is to be called a house of prayer,’ butContinue reading “House of Prayer”

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