Reputation of God

Reputation of God Ezekiel 20:6 – On that day I swore to bring them out of the land of Egypt to a land which I had picked out for them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the most beautiful of all lands. 7 – I said to them, “Each of you must get ridContinue reading “Reputation of God”

The Sabbath Test: Raining Bread

The Sabbath Test: Raining Bread Exodus 16:2 – The entire company of Israelites murmured against Moses and Aaron in the desert. 3 – The Israelites said to them, “If only we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat, when we ateContinue reading “The Sabbath Test: Raining Bread”

Lead to the Red Sea

Lead to the Red Sea Exodus 13:17 – When Pharaoh released the people, God did not lead them by the way to the land of the Philistines, although that was nearby, for God said, “Lest the people change their minds and return to Egypt when they experience war.” 18 – So God brought the peopleContinue reading “Lead to the Red Sea”

Vigil of the LORD

Vigil of the LORD Exodus 12:40 – Now the length of time the Israelites lived in Egypt was 430 years. 41 – At the end of the 430 years, on the very day, all the regiments of the LORD went out of the land of Egypt. 42 – It was a night of vigil forContinue reading “Vigil of the LORD”

The Second Blessing

The Second Blessing Numbers 23:18 – Balaam uttered his oracle, and said, “Rise up, Balak, and hear; listen to me, son of Zippor: 19 – God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a human being, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or hasContinue reading “The Second Blessing”

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