Repair the Wall and Stand in the Gap

Repair the Wall and Stand in the Gap Ezekiel 22:29 – The people of the land have practiced extortion and committed robbery. They have wronged the poor and needy; they have oppressed the foreigner who lives among them and denied them justice. 30 – “I looked for a man from among them who would repairContinue reading “Repair the Wall and Stand in the Gap”

Endure to the Better End

Endure to the Better End Ecclesiastes 7:7 – Surely oppression can turn a wise person into a fool; likewise, a bribe corrupts the heart. 8 – The end of a matter is better than its beginning; likewise, patience is better than pride. 9 – Do not let yourself be quickly provoked, for anger resides inContinue reading “Endure to the Better End”

A Fair Judge

A Fair Judge Psalms 9:1 – I will thank the LORD with all my heart! I will tell about all your amazing deeds! 2 – I will be happy and rejoice in you! I will sing praises to you, O sovereign One! verse 3 – When my enemies turn back, they trip and are defeatedContinue reading “A Fair Judge”

The Fasting Jesus Wants

The Fasting Jesus Wants Isaiah 58:3 – They lament, ‘Why don’t you notice when we fast? Why don’t you pay attention when we humble ourselves?’ Look, at the same time you fast, you satisfy your selfish desires, you oppress your workers. 4 – Look, your fasting is accompanied by arguments, brawls, and fistfights. Do notContinue reading “The Fasting Jesus Wants”

Deborah the Fourth Judge

Deborah the Fourth Judge Judges 4:4 – Deborah, a woman, prophet, and wife of Lappidoth, was herself judging Israel during that time. 5 – She regularly took her seat under the Palm Tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the mountainous region of Ephraim, where the Israelis would approach her for decisions. Verse 6Continue reading “Deborah the Fourth Judge”

Stand Still as the Lord Delivers

Stand Still as the Lord Delivers Exodus 14:10 – As Pharaoh approached, the Israelis looked up, and there were the Egyptians bearing down on them! Extremely frightened, the Israelis cried out to the LORD. 11 – They also told Moses, “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you took us out toContinue reading “Stand Still as the Lord Delivers”

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