Seeing Everything Clearly

Seeing Everything Clearly Mark 8:22 – Then they came to Bethsaida. They brought a blind man to Jesus and asked him to touch him. 23 – He took the blind man by the hand and brought him outside of the village. Then he spit on his eyes, placed his hands on his eyes and asked,Continue reading “Seeing Everything Clearly”

Recognizing Jesus

Recognizing Jesus Isaiah 1:2 – Listen, O heavens, pay attention, O earth! For the LORD speaks: “I raised children, I brought them up, but they have rebelled against me! 3 – An ox recognizes its owner, a donkey recognizes where its owner puts its food; but Israel does not recognize me, my people do notContinue reading “Recognizing Jesus”

In Control

In Control Judges 15:10 – The leading men of Judah asked, “Why have you invaded us?” They replied, “We’re here to arrest Samson. Then we’re going to do to him what he did to us.” 11 – In response, 3000 soldiers from the tribe of Judah went down to the caves of the rock ofContinue reading “In Control”

Buying God’s Gold

Buying God’s Gold In God’s advice to Laodicea He said: “Therefore, I advise you to buy from me gold purified in fire so you may be rich, white clothes to wear so your shameful nakedness won’t show, and ointment to put on your eyes so you may see. Revelation 3:18. A quick search on theContinue reading “Buying God’s Gold”

Cleaning House

Cleaning House Cleaning up is not always a peaceful process, especially when it comes to one’s personal life. I look at the mess in my room and know, when I decide to fix it, it’s going to get worse before it gets better. How about the mess in my life; the contradictions; the hypocrisies; theContinue reading “Cleaning House”

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