David’s Advantage

David’s Advantage 1 Samuel 23:2 – David inquired of the LORD: “Shall I go and strike down these Philistines?” The LORD told David, “Go strike down the Philistines and deliver Keilah.” 3 – David’s men told him, “Look, we’re afraid here in Judah. How much then, if we go to Keilah against the Philistine army?”Continue reading “David’s Advantage”

Join Jesus

Join Jesus 1 Samuel 22:1 – David left from there and escaped to the Cave of Adullam. His brothers and all his father’s family heard about this and went down to him there. 2 – Everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was malcontent gathered around him, and heContinue reading “Join Jesus”

Jonathan’s Advocacy

Jonathan’s Advocacy 1 Samuel 19:4 – Jonathan spoke to his father Saul favorably about David. “The king shouldn’t wrong his servant David because he has not wronged you and because what he has done has been very beneficial for you. 5 – He risked his life and struck down the Philistine, and the LORD broughtContinue reading “Jonathan’s Advocacy”

David’s Complicated Life

David’s Complicated Life 1 Samuel 18:28 – As Saul continued to observe, he realized that the LORD was with David and that Saul’s daughter Michal loved him. 29 – Then Saul was even more afraid of David, and Saul was David’s enemy from that time on. Verse 30 – The Philistine commanders would go outContinue reading “David’s Complicated Life”

Saul’s Fear and David’s Success

Saul’s Fear and David’s Success 1 Samuel 18:12 – Now Saul was afraid of David because the LORD was with him and had departed from Saul. 13 – Saul removed David from his presence and made him an officer over a division of soldiers. So David led the troops in battle. Verse 14 – DavidContinue reading “Saul’s Fear and David’s Success”

The Evil Spirit from God

The Evil Spirit From God 1 Samuel 16:14 – The Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. 15 – Saul’s servants told him, “Look, an evil spirit from God is troubling you. 16 – Let our lord order his servants who attend you to look forContinue reading “The Evil Spirit from God”

The Amalek Test

The Amalek Test 1 Samuel 15:1 – Samuel told Saul, “The LORD sent me to anoint you king over his people, Israel. Now listen to the words of the LORD. 2 – This is what the LORD of Heavenly Armies says: ‘I’ll punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, when he set himself againstContinue reading “The Amalek Test”

Judge us Properly

Judge us Properly 1 Samuel 14:41 – Then Saul told the LORD God of Israel, “Judge us properly.” Jonathan and Saul were selected, but the army was cleared. 42 – Saul said, “Cast lots between me and my son Jonathan,” and Jonathan was selected. Verse 43 – Saul told Jonathan, “Tell me what you’ve done.”Continue reading “Judge us Properly”

Jonathan’s Faith

Jonathan’s Faith 1 Samuel 14:6 – Jonathan told his armor bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised ones. Perhaps the LORD will work for us, since nothing prevents the LORD from delivering, whether by many or by few.” 7 – His armor bearer told him, “Do whatever you want. Let’s moveContinue reading “Jonathan’s Faith”

King Saul’s Test

King Saul’s Test 1 Samuel 13:11 – Samuel said, “What have you done?” Saul replied, “When? I saw that the people were scattering from me, that you didn’t come at the appointed time, and that the Philistines were assembling at Michmash. 12 – I thought, ‘The Philistines will come down against me at Gilgal butContinue reading “King Saul’s Test”

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