Jericho Waters Purified

Jericho Waters Purified 2 Kings 2:19 – The men who lived in the city addressed Elisha. “Look now,” they said, “our city’s location is good, as you have been observing, but the water springs here are bad and the land isn’t sustaining crops.” 20 – Elisha ordered them, “Bring me a new bowl and putContinue reading “Jericho Waters Purified”

Gibeon’s Deception

Gibeon’s Deception Joshua 9:3 – But when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and Ai, 4 – they took the initiative by preparing their provisions shrewdly: they took tattered sacks for their donkeys worn-out, torn, and mended wineskins, 5 – worn-out, patched sandals for their feet, and worn-out clothes. AllContinue reading “Gibeon’s Deception”

Ai is Plundered

Ai is Plundered Joshua 8:1 – The LORD told Joshua, “Don’t be afraid and don’t panic! Take the whole army with you and march against Ai! See, I am handing over to you the king of Ai, along with his people, city, and land. 2 – Do to Ai and its king what you didContinue reading “Ai is Plundered”

The Plan for Taking Jericho

The Plan for Taking Jericho Joshua 6:1 – Meanwhile, Jericho was fortified inside and out because of the Israelis. Nobody could leave or enter. 2 – The Lord told Joshua, “Look! I have given Jericho over to your control, along with its kings and valiant soldiers. Verse 3 – March around the city, all theContinue reading “The Plan for Taking Jericho”

They Stood Out

They Stood Out Joshua 2:1 – After this, Nun’s son Joshua sent two men from the Acacia groves as undercover scouts. He told them, “Go and look over the land. Pay special attention to Jericho.” so they went out, came to the house of a prostitute named Rahab, and lodged there. Verse 2 – ThenContinue reading “They Stood Out”

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