Power of the Most High

Power of the Most High Luke 1:34 – Mary asked the angel, “How can this happen, since I have not had relations with a man?” 35 – the angel answered, her, “The Holy Spirit will come over you, and the power of the Most High will surround you. Therefore, the child will be holy andContinue reading “Power of the Most High”

Reason for Rejoicing

Reason for Rejoicing Luke 10:17 – Then the seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name!” 18 – So he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 – Look, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions and on theContinue reading “Reason for Rejoicing”

Christ in You

Christ in You Colossians 1:25 – I became a servant of the church according to the stewardship from God – given to me for you – in order to complete the word of God, 26 – that is, the mystery that has been kept hidden from ages and generations, but has now been revealed toContinue reading “Christ in You”

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