Ammon in Trouble

Ammon in Trouble Ezekel 25:1 – The word of the LORD came to me: 2 – “Son of man, turn toward the Ammonites and prophesy against them. 3 – Say to the Ammonites, ‘Hear the word of the sovereign LORD: This is what the sovereign LORD says: You said “Aha!” about my sanctuary when itContinue reading “Ammon in Trouble”

Exaltation of Jesus

Exaltation of Jesus Isaiah 52:13 – “Look, my servant will succeed! He will be elevated, lifted high, and greatly exalted – 14 – (just as many were horrified by the sight of you) he was so disfigured he no longer looked like a man; 15 – his form was so marred he no longer lookedContinue reading “Exaltation of Jesus”

Authority of Jesus

Authority of Jesus Mark 1:21 – Then they went to Capernaum. When the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. 22 – The people there were amazed by his teaching, because he taught them like one who had authority, not like the experts in the law. Jesus was eminently qualified toContinue reading “Authority of Jesus”

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