Family Status

Family Status Genesis 22:19 – Then Abraham returned to his servants, and they set out together for Beer Sheeba where Abraham stayed. 20 – After these things Abraham was told, “Milcah also has borne children to your brother Nahor – 21 – Uz the firstborn, his brother Buz, Kemuel (the father of Aram), 22 –Continue reading “Family Status”

Noah and Rest

Noah and Rest Genesis 5:28 – When Lamech had lived 182 years, he had a son. 29 – He named him Noah, saying, “This one will bring us comfort from our labor and from the painful toil of our hands because of the ground that the LORD has cursed.” Noah’s name means ‘rest.’ He wasContinue reading “Noah and Rest”

Count the Cost – Part 1 – Family

Count the Cost – Part 1 – Family Luke 14:25 – Now large crowds were accompanying Jesus, and turning to them he said, 26 – “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother, and wife and children, and brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot beContinue reading “Count the Cost – Part 1 – Family”

The Best Part of Life

The Best Part of Life Luke 10:38 – Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him as a guest. 39 – She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he said. Verse 40 – But MarthaContinue reading “The Best Part of Life”

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