He Shoots, He Scores!

He Shoots, He Scores! Psalm 64:1 – Listen to me, O God, as I offer my lament! Protect my life from the enemy’s terrifying attacks. 2 – Hide me from the plots of evil men, from the crowd of evildoers.  3 – They sharpen their tongues like a sword; they aim their arrow, a slanderousContinue reading “He Shoots, He Scores!”

Oath of the Powerful Deliverer

Oath of the Powerful Deliverer Isaiah 45:22 – Turn to me so you can be delivered, all you who live in the earth’s remote regions! For I am God, and I have no peer. 23 – I solemnly make this oath – what I say is true and reliable: ‘Surely every knee will bow toContinue reading “Oath of the Powerful Deliverer”

Circumstances of Our Call

Circumstances of Our Call 1 Corinthians 1:26 – Think about the circumstances of your call, brothers and sisters. Not many were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were born to a privileged position. 27 – But God chose what the world thinks foolish to shame the wise, and God chose whatContinue reading “Circumstances of Our Call”

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