Prophetic Figure of Speech?

Prophetic Figure of Speech? Ezekiel 20:46 – “Son of man, turn toward the south, and speak out against the south. Prophesy against the open scrub land of the Negev, 47 – and say to the scrub land of the Negev, ‘Hear the word of the LORD: This is what the sovereign LORD says: Look here,Continue reading “Prophetic Figure of Speech?”

Naaman and Elisha Part II: Naaman’s Challenge

Naaman and Elisha Part II: Naaman’s Challenge 2 Kings 5:9 – So Naaman came with his horses and chariots and stood in the doorway of Elisha’s house. 10 – Elisha sent out a messenger who told him, “Go and wash seven times in the Jordan; your skin will be restored and you will be healed.”Continue reading “Naaman and Elisha Part II: Naaman’s Challenge”

The Red Cords

The Red Cords Joshua 2:17 – The men replied, “We’ll be free from our commitment to you to which you’ve obligated us 18 – when we invade the land, if you don’t tie this rope made with red cords in the window through which you let us down, and if you don’t gather your father,Continue reading “The Red Cords”

A Most Holy Thing

A Most Holy Thing Leviticus 6:24 – Then the LORD told Moses, 25 – “Tell Aaron and his sons that this is the regulation concerning sin offerings: Slaughter the sin offering in the same place where the whole burnt offering is slaughtered – in the LORD’s presence. It’s a most holy thing. Verse 26 –Continue reading “A Most Holy Thing”

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