Don’t Be Afraid; Just Believe

Don’t Be Afraid; Just Believe Mark 5:35 – While he was still speaking, people came from the synagogue ruler’s house saying, “Your daughter has died. Why trouble the teacher any longer?” 36 – But Jesus, paying no attention to what was said, told the synagogue ruler, “Do not be afraid; just believe.” Do you seeContinue reading “Don’t Be Afraid; Just Believe”

Thanksgiving From Everything

Thanksgiving from Everything Psalm 145:10 – All he has made will give thanks to the LORD. Your loyal followers will praise you.  11 – They will proclaim the splendor of your kingdom; they will tell about your power, 12 – so that mankind might acknowledge your mighty acts, and the majestic splendor of your kingdom.Continue reading “Thanksgiving From Everything”

God Watches the Nations

God Watches the Nations Psalms 66:5 – Come and witness God’s exploits! His acts on behalf of people are awesome! 6 – He turned the sea into dry land; they passed through the river on foot. let us rejoice in him there! 7 – He rules by his power forever; he watches the nations. StubbornContinue reading “God Watches the Nations”

He Shoots, He Scores!

He Shoots, He Scores! Psalm 64:1 – Listen to me, O God, as I offer my lament! Protect my life from the enemy’s terrifying attacks. 2 – Hide me from the plots of evil men, from the crowd of evildoers.  3 – They sharpen their tongues like a sword; they aim their arrow, a slanderousContinue reading “He Shoots, He Scores!”

Recount the Gracious Deeds

Recount the Gracious Deeds Isaiah 63:7 – I will recount the gracious deeds of the LORD, the praiseworthy acts of the LORD, according to all the LORD has done for us – yes, the great goodness to the house of Israel that he has granted them according to his mercy, according to the abundance ofContinue reading “Recount the Gracious Deeds”

Proclaim the Mercy

Proclaim the Mercy Mark 5:14 – Now the herdsmen ran off and spread the news in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. 15 – They came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man sitting there, clothed and in his right mind – the one who had theContinue reading “Proclaim the Mercy”

Sudden Fulfillment

Sudden Fulfillment Isaiah 48:1 – Listen to this, O family of Jacob, you who are called by the name ‘Israel,’ and are descended from Judah, who take oaths in the name of the LORD, and invoke the God of Israel – but not in an honest and just manner. 2 – Indeed, they live inContinue reading “Sudden Fulfillment”

Acts of God Revealed

Acts of God Revealed John 9:1 – Now as Jesus was passing by, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. 2 – His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who committed the sin that caused him to be born blind, this man or his parents?” 3 – Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor hisContinue reading “Acts of God Revealed”

Psalms 111 – Praise God!

Psalms 111 – Praise God verse 1 – Hallelujah! I will give thanks to the LORD with all of my heart in the assembled congregation of the upright. God truly does amazing things. Let’s reflect on this Psalm today and know that the greatest acts of God have always been within our reach. Verse 2Continue reading “Psalms 111 – Praise God!”

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