God Crafts Victory

God Crafts Victory

Isaiah 26:1 – At that time, people will sing this song in the land of Judah: “We have a strong city; God crafts victory, its walls and ramparts. 2 – Open your gates, so the righteous nation that safeguards its faith may enter. 3 – You will keep perfectly peaceful the one whose mind remains focused on you, because he remains in you. 4 – “Trust in the LORD forever, for in the LORD GOD you have an everlasting rock.”

As you consider worshiping God this weekend, take the time to focus intently on Jesus.  Allow Jesus to inhabit your thinking and your life.  Perfect peace is with Him and with no other.  The news of the world is getting more crazy moment by moment. But with Jesus we don’t have to panic.  From the beginning He has already crafted victory!  Let’s trust in Him forever!  He is our everlasting rock!

Have a Sabbath of perfect peace!

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