Anointed By a Woman

Anointed By a Woman

Mark 14:3 – Now while Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, reclining at the table, a woman came with an alabaster jar of costly aromatic oil from pure nard. After breaking open the jar. She poured it on his head.

Very few people recognized how blessed they were to have Jesus with them in the flesh.  Although Jesus was human in every way,  there was no one else who did what He did or said what He said.  For the few who had been set free, like this woman, Jesus was God in every way and her behavior towards Him indicated her deep understanding of this very truth.  The man of the house would not even treat Jesus with the courtesy of a guest.  It fell upon the lowest of women to anoint Jesus with the most expensive oil from her livelihood – having a sense that very soon, His cup of suffering would overflow to save them all.

Everyone in that room had been touched by Jesus in some way but at that time only the woman was willing to do everything she could to express her love to Jesus.  Today, we do not have Jesus in the flesh, in which to directly express our love.  Today, we have the poor;  today, we have each other;  today, we have the least of these with which to share our love in order to reach Jesus as directly as possible.

Let’s do what we can for others in service for Jesus.  Let’s anoint the least of these with our love and effort in memory of a woman who courageously faced down a group of angry men to love Jesus, and in memory of Jesus who courageously faced down an angry world including the armies of Satan in order to love and save us.

I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her. – Mark 14:9.

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