Light in the Highest Place

Light in the Highest Place

Mark 4:21 – Then Jesus told them, “A lamp isn’t brought indoors to be put under a basket or under a bed, is it? It’s to be put on a lamp stand isn’t it? 22 – Nothing is hidden except for the purpose of having it revealed, and nothing is secret except for the purpose of having it come to light. 23 – If anyone has ears to hear, let him listen!

What do we do with the information we receive? How do we handle what comes to light in our understanding regarding others or regarding ourselves? These words of Jesus were important enough for Him to emphasize with the phrase: If anyone has ears to hear, let him listen! What did Jesus want us to understand with this?

Let’s read on: verse 24 – He went on to say to them, “Pay attention to what you’re hearing! You will be evaluated by the same standard with which you do your evaluating, and still more will be given to you, 25 – because whoever has something, will have more given to him. But whoever has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.

What will we do with what the light reveals? This morning we’ve come to the light of the Scriptures. Where do we place it on our priority list? Some of us may place it under a basket – that is the measure we use because we’re afraid it will ask us to give up something…surrender, repent, turn, and change. Jesus says to watch out because if that’s the standard we use – then when it’s applied to us the very things we fear to lose will end up being taken from us.

Don’t use the basket standard. Place the light higher. I challenge you along with myself: Let’s place the light in the highest place of our lives. Pay attention to what it reveals for it will reveal our need of Jesus Christ. It will reveal that He is and has always been there even in our deepest, darkest places. He is there even when we’re afraid. And when we discover that we’ve had Jesus, then more of Jesus will be given to us! What does that mean? More victory over sin! More peace in the midst of storms! More courage over fear! More love to give!

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