Gathered By the Door

Gathered By the Door

Mark 1:32 – When it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were sick and demon-possessed. 33 – The whole town gathered by the door. 34 – So he healed many who were sick with various diseases and drove out many demons. But he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him.

The whole town gathered by the door to Simon and Andrew’s house where Jesus had recently healed Simon’s mother-in-law who had been sick with a fever.  They were gathered there to see Jesus and they brought with them all who were sick and demon-possessed.

And so, here we are today – gathered together reading this story.  Are there people you would like to bring to Jesus?  We may not be able to physically drag them – but whether they like it or not; whether they know it or not – we can bring them to Jesus in prayer.

While I was thinking about this story I was imagining Jesus and the armies of heaven gathered by the door to this world just waiting for the signal to enter and gather up all those who are waiting for Him.  But when Jesus comes, will He find faith on earth? (Luke 18:8).  Will He find it in you and me?  Will He find that we’ve been at the door waiting for Him?

Let’s gather by the door to heaven today and allow Jesus access to our hearts.  Let Jesus change us from the inside out, forgive us, and cleanse us from all our sin.  And may Jesus bring forgiveness and healing to all those whom we’ve brought to Him in prayer!

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