God’s Search Engine

God’s Search Engine

Proverbs 2:1 – My child, if you receive my words, and store up my commands within you, 2 – by making your ear attentive to wisdom, and by turning your heart to understanding, 3 – indeed, if you call out for discernment – raise your voice for understanding – if you seek it like silver, and search for it like hidden treasure, 5 – then you will understand how to fear the LORD, and you will discover knowledge about God. 6 – For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.

I’ve joked with family members and friends how much youtube has been my friend over the years since my Dad’s death.  I grew up watching my dad tinker with things from broken watches and TVs to appliances like washers and dryers.  Almost everything he touched began to work again.  I would touch things as a kid and they would break.  I would handle my Dad’s tools and things would not magically get better, they would mysteriously get worse.  As a result, Dad would call me a ‘madcanic,’ not a mechanic.

Since my Dad’s death I’ve had to search ‘youtube’ for solutions to things I would normally ask him about.  Things like how to service my car and my washer and dryer and, you know, I’ve actually succeeded in making improvements – learning things I never learned when my Dad was alive.  I’ve also had some good friends to help me along the way as well too.

The reason I’m sharing all of this is that we have a heavenly Father who is alive, who we can turn to when we are searching for wisdom on how to navigate through life.

For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding. He stores up effective counsel for the upright, and is like a shield for those who live with integrity, to guard the paths of the righteous and to protect the way of his pious ones. then you will understand righteousness and justice and equity – every good way. For wisdom will enter your heart, and moral knowledge will be attractive to you. – Proverbs 2:6-10.

It’s easy to search youtube for things I need help with – to gain practical knowledge and understanding.  Let’s make sure to search out God and receive His words.  There are many hidden treasures about life and about God that He wants to reveal to us if we will search for Him.

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