To His Own Town

To His Own Town

Luke 2:1 – Now in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus to register all the empire for taxes. 2 – This was the first registration, taken when Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 – Everyone went to his own town to be registered.

verse 4 – So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family line of David. 5 – He went to be registered with Mary, who was promised in marriage to him, and who was expecting a child.

Imagine having to go back to your own town to be registered for taxes.  I’ve been picturing what that scenario might look like for me.  I’d have to cross the border into Canada and travel east covering a distance of over 1200 miles.  Now imagine having to make that trip with a child on the way.  Even in a car the trip would be difficult in the final stages just before delivery.  For Joseph and Mary the trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem covered over 90 miles on foot – definitely not easy. But the decree had to be obeyed.

Sometimes we are faced with decrees handed down to us by our governments that are inconvenient to us at best or cause us great harm at worst.  If we take a step back and look at the bigger picture – the decree fit into God’s plan regarding the birth of Jesus.  Jesus was born exactly where He needed to be born and at precisely the right time – even accounting for the manger and the lack of room in the inn.

Let’s consider God’s plan for us and how He will use even government decrees to make sure we are in the right places at the right times to see His hand at work.  

Here are some verses to think about:

Proverbs 16:9 – A person plans his course, but the LORD directs his steps.

Isaiah 46:9 – Remember what I accomplished in antiquity! Truly I am God, I have no peer; I am God, and there is none like me, 10 – who announces the end from the beginning and reveals beforehand what has not yet occurred, who says, ‘My plan will be realized, I will accomplish what I desire,’ 11 – who summons an eagle from the east, from a distant land, one who carries out my plan. Yes, I have decreed, yes, I will bring it to pass; I have formulated a plan, yes, I will carry it out.

Jeremiah 10:23 – Lord, we know that people do not control their own destiny. It is not in their power to determine what will happen to them.

Even governments don’t realize they are players in a plan far greater than themselves.  While we are powerless to determine what ultimately happens to us – by faith the Holy Spirit will give us power to endure circumstances beyond our control and power to trust Jesus to direct our steps according to His plan of salvation!

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