Thanksgiving From Everything

Thanksgiving from Everything

Psalm 145:10 – All he has made will give thanks to the LORD. Your loyal followers will praise you.  11 – They will proclaim the splendor of your kingdom; they will tell about your power, 12 – so that mankind might acknowledge your mighty acts, and the majestic splendor of your kingdom. 13 – Your kingdom is an eternal kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations.

One thing stood out to me as I read these verses this morning.  There will come a time when everything will give thanks to God – there will be an acknowledgment to God from all creation.  But only the loyal followers will take the praise one step further and choose to proclaim the power, acts, and kingdom of God.

Look at these verses from Revelation and notice the distinction is present here as well:  Then I looked, and I heard the voices of many angels, the living creatures, and the elders surrounding the throne. They numbered 10,000’s times 10,000 and thousands times thousands. They sang with a loud voice, “Worthy is the lamb who was slaughtered to receive power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and praise!” I heard every creature in heaven, on earth, under the earth, and on the sea, and everything that is in them, saying, “To the one who sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise, honor, glory, and power forever and ever!” – Revelation 5:11-13.

There is an acknowledgement to God from every creature.  There’s a difference, however, between those who freely choose to worship God and those who are no longer able to deny the truth about God.  

One way or another we will give thanks to God for everything He has done.  There’s no escaping the coming revelation of Jesus Christ when He returns.  Let’s pay attention to the works of God today, this moment, in every heartbeat, every breath, every gust of wind, drop of rain, ray of light, blade of grass, and so much more. May we come to know that this same Jesus, the Lamb of God, was slaughtered for our redemption – and that every drop of His blood was meant to save us.

Thank-you Jesus!

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