God Deserves Praise

God Deserves Praise

Psalm 66:16 – Come! Listen, all you who are loyal to God! I will declare what he has done for me. 17 – I cried out to him for help and praised him with my tongue. 18 – If I had harbored sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. 19 – However, God heard, he listened to my prayer. 20 – God deserves praise, for he did not reject my prayer or abandon his love for me!

This is what we do each Sabbath in church: cry out to God for help and give Him praise through testimony and song.  We also feast on the Word of God through Bible study and preaching.  The meal of fellowship that follows is the icing on the cake!

As we bring to God our petitions and praises, let’s make sure we’re not harboring sin in our hearts for it is the only thing that keeps God from listening to us.  May we let go of the sins that so easily ensnares us and harbor Jesus at every entrance to our hearts today.

What has God done for me?  He has given me eyes to see His acts of love; ears to hear of His love for me; hands to help those around me; feet to take me into the path of righteousness; a voice to sing and speak praises to Him…And even if I had none of those things.  He’s given me a mind to dwell on all He continues to do – giving me each beat of my heart and each breath in my lungs.  Sometimes I dwell too much on what I don’t have and forget about what He’s given me – for He has given me family, forgiveness, salvation, and the promise of His return.  He has given me His love.

“God deserves praise, for he did not reject my prayer or abandon his love for me!”

Have a joyful Sabbath!

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