Chosen for Blessing

Chosen for Blessing

Psalm 65:1 – Praise awaits you, O God, in Zion. Vows made to you are fulfilled. 2 – You hear prayers; all people approach you. 3 – Our record of sins overwhelms me, but you forgive our acts of rebellion. 4 – How blessed is the one whom you choose, and allow to live in your palace courts. May we be satisfied with the good things of your house – your holy palace.

Will you approach God with me?  What thoughts press themselves upon our consciousness towards God?  What record of sins that require forgiveness?  What praise for all His acts of love?

This morning you’ve been chosen for blessing.  Imagine being allowed to live in the house of God and be satisfied – our deepest longing to worship God finding fulfillment.

God will supply our needs.  Our hearts don’t have to be troubled about the concerns of this life.  God will give us the strength and motivation to fulfill our vows to Him.  God is good – let’s praise Him now and forever!

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