Give Thanks and Break Bread

Give Thanks and Break Bread

Matthew 14:19 – Then he instructed the crowds to sit down on the grass. He took the five loaves and two fish and looking up to heaven he gave thanks and broke the loaves. He gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowds. 20 – They all ate and were satisfied, and they picked up the broken pieces left over, twelve baskets full.

Sometimes we gaze upon the size of our congregations, large and small, and wonder.  How can they be fed spiritually? Follow what Jesus did:  Take what you have, look up to heaven, give thanks, and start sharing Jesus.  Give to whoever is present and they will take and share Jesus wherever they go. That’s the vision!  Jesus didn’t rely upon Himself.  He thanked His Father.

Whatever time you’ve spent in preparation for today – Jesus can take your five loaves and two fish and turn it into satisfied congregations with twelve baskets of leftovers!  Don’t rely on yourself!  Rely on Jesus and He can turn a meager church experience into a wonderful spiritual feast.

Give thanks, break the living bread of Jesus, and worship God!

Have a miraculous Sabbath!

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