A Fair Judge

A Fair Judge

Psalms 9:1 – I will thank the LORD with all my heart! I will tell about all your amazing deeds! 2 – I will be happy and rejoice in you! I will sing praises to you, O sovereign One!

verse 3 – When my enemies turn back, they trip and are defeated before you. 4 – For you defended my just cause; from your throne you pronounced a just decision.

What is a just cause? We all want our causes to regarded as just. The only way for our causes to be correct is if they’re aligned with the LORD. I Think of all the times I’ve been put on the defensive. It’s not a great place to be. It feels terrible especially when being unable to articulate my position clearly. How I would have loved to put my opponents on the run – provided my cause is just. I must admit sometimes I’ve been compelled to retreat in an argument because I’ve been wrong.

But what about at the end of the world? What about when the pressure to conform to the world is so great that the death penalty is the result for dissenters? Will we just conform because we have no choice? Will there be no one to plead our case to give us the confidence to stand for the right no matter what? Will I be so weak and assume I’m wrong at the sound of every loud voice speaking clever lies?

Think of the fears running through David’s mind as when he transitioned from shepherd to king, dealing with enemies without and within. Who would plead his case? Would he give in? The Lord is the only One – and He is so signficant that he writes about Him in song. And we get to read the lyrics to that song today. Here’s the next part:

verse 5 – You terrified the nations with your battle cry; you destroyed the wicked; you permanently wiped out all memory of them. 6 – The enemy’s cities have been reduced to permanent ruins; you destroyed their cities; all memory of the enemies has perished.

This is second death language – the death from which there is no resurrection. Only the saints in the first resurrection are protected from the second death. Can you imagine fire falling from heaven devouring every oppressor? It’s no wonder the enemies of God and His people are forced to turn and run – but we must remember the part that follows:

verse 7 – But the LORD rules forever; he reigns in a just manner. 8 – He judges the world fairly; he makes just legal decisions for the nations. 9 – Consequently the LORD provides safety for the oppressed; he provides safety in times of trouble. 10 – Your loyal followers trust in you, for you, LORD, do not abandon those who seek your help.

How will the Lord judge in your case and mine? He is just and fair! Better to be oppressed than the oppressor. Better to be troubled than to be the troubler. Better to be the one seeking help from the Lord than to feel sufficient to live without Him.

Let’s be a loyal follower of Jesus Christ and trust in Him. As loyal followers we will be oppressed and experience trouble – the Bible is clear on that – but the Bible is also clear about who makes it at the very end and about how the judge will rule. He will not abandon you! You’ll see and experience that the greatest thing He can do for us as individuals is save us.

Wait for Him! At the sound of His battle cry the graves will open and the dead in Christ will rise to meet Him in the air and those remaining will be changed from mortal to immortal in the blink of an eye. The tables will turn completely! So – Let’s ‘sing praises to the LORD, who rules in Zion! Tell the nations what he has done!’ – Psalms 9:11.

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