Someone Prayed For Me

Someone Prayed For Me

1 Thessalonians 5:23 – Now may the God of peace himself make you completely holy and may your spirit and soul and body be kept entirely blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 – He who calls you is trustworthy, and he will in fact do this. 25 – Brother and sisters, pray for us too.

I’m currently attending a Pastor’s Retreat and am enjoying every moment of it.  Yesterday, however, I had to leave the retreat to conduct a funeral in my church district.  I was truly blessed and privileged to be able to serve the grieving families who attended the service.  Afterwards I prepared to return to the retreat and didn’t actually leave until a little after sundown.

Something you should know about me – I seem to be an animal magnet.  Last fall a deer hit me.  In the past I’ve hit raccoon, birds of varying sizes, rabbits, and even a cat.  Beginning my drive into the night, I breathed a prayer for protection and then set out into the growing darkness.

Initially I was hyper alert.  I did not want to be careless with my driving.  I wanted to be tuned to any gut feeling that the Lord might send my way – then something amazing happened.  Someone must have been praying for me.  With my eyes on the road and my hands on the wheel – out of the left hand side of the road an entire family of raccoon suddenly began marching their way across the road right into the path of my car.  Even with my reflexes on hyper alert I had this sinking feeling that I was going to strike them – I was going too fast.  At the moment of what should have been an impact, the creatures came more clearly into the headlights and this is what I saw:  the lead raccoon suddenly stopped, turned around, stood up and held up its hands to stop the others from advancing any further – at that very instant – my hands slightly jerked the steering wheel right just enough to allow me to miss the group completely – I got around them without touching even one!

Everything happened so quickly and precisely. In a flash the raccoon were behind me and my heart was in my throat beating furiously.  I breathed a prayer of thanks, my heart calmed down and I spent the rest of the drive listening to and singing sacred music.

We may not all be kept from harm in this life – but God is trustworthy to make us completely holy and blameless at the return of Jesus Christ.  Brothers and sisters, I am praying for you! Thank-you for praying for me!

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