A Mere Shout

A Mere Shout

Isaiah 50:2 – Why does no one challenge me when I come? Why does no one respond when I call? Is my hand too weak to deliver you? Do I lack the power to rescue you? Look, with a mere shout I can dry up the sea; I can turn streams into a desert, so the fish rot away and die from lack of water. 3 – I can clothe the sky in darkness; I can cover it with sackcloth.

Does anyone believe what the Lord says?  Everything He has said in advance has already taken place.  When Jesus returns in power and glory there will be no challenger.  The world will try to mount a defense but who can stand against the One true God who can control the forces of nature with a mere shout?  The difference in power between man and God is immeasurable.  Mankind is just too weak to be of any significance – and yet we behave as if God is too weak.

Jesus is calling – will anyone respond?  Or are our ears plugged up with the lies of Satan?  True power lies not with our inventions.  True power lies with Jesus – His voice that can dry up the sea and cover the sky with darkness also says “forgive them,” “believe in me,” “I will come again.”  With a mere shout He can calm your fears and anxieties.  He can turn your mountains into roadways.  He can turn your temptations into triumphs.

Jesus is the everlasting gospel – the best news for a dying humanity.  Jesus has the power to rescue you and me.  Let’s respond to His call and may the power of His love fill our lives today!

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