Tireless Walking

Tireless Walking

Isaiah 40:30 – Even youths get tired and weary; even strong young men clumsily stumble. 31 – But those who wait on the LORD’s help find renewed strength; they rise up as if they had eagles’ wings, they run without growing weary, they walk without getting tired.

Sometimes I stumble through life giving in to temptation after temptation feeling like I’m utterly useless to God.  Verse 30 says that even in my prime I’m going to get worn out and being sure-footed will give way to clumsiness – my own strength is going to give way to fatigue….eventually.

Usually a runner trains by running and a walker trains by walking; but when it comes to the marathon called life – finishing well starts with waiting, being still, and talking with God.  When we walk or run the rat race of life alone without God – life will wear us out, the devil will dog us with unending temptations and we will give up and sink in the despair of constant failure..  But when we wait on the Lord – we will rise up higher, run without getting weary, and walk without getting tired.

Let’s be still and wait on the Lord today.  The starting line is before us.  The starter’s pistol is about to sound and we’re already getting ready to run.  Let’s wait a little bit longer and ask for the Lord’s help.  He’ll give you wings to rise above the turmoil.  He’ll give you the energy to tirelessly run or walk through every obstacle course the devil throws in your way.

Have a great day in the Lord! 

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