What Scares Them

What Scares Them

Isaiah 8:11 – Indeed this is what the LORD told me. He took hold of me firmly and warned me not to act like these people: 12 – “Do not say, ‘Conspiracy,’ every time these people say the word. Don’t be afraid of what scares them; don’t be terrified. 13 – You must recognize the authority of the LORD who commands armies. He is the one you must respect; he is the one you must fear.

‘Them’ refers to the nations.  Just imagine the significance of these words today.  What are the nations telling us to fear today?  New virus variants, climate change, guns, world war three, racism, gender conflicts, and so much more.  Don’t be afraid of what scares the nations.  Don’t be terrified.  We must recognize God’s authority.  We must respect and fear Him!

Look at what is forecast for the nations in verse 9 – You will be broken, O nations; you will be shattered! Pay attention, all you distant lands of the earth! Get ready for battle, and you will be shattered! Get ready for battle, and you will be shattered! 10 – Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted! Issue your orders, but they will not be executed! For God is with us!

Mark these words:  “God is with us!”  Without the fear of God in our lives we will forget that God is with us and will most certainly follow the orders of the nations.  We will defend their strategies and shame others into following whatever they say.  We can see it taking place more and more every day as the nations promote lies as truth and spread fear.  Even churches are being carried away by the fear the nations are selling.  Don’t be afraid of what scares them!

Through the Scriptures God is grabbing us by the shoulders and shaking us, telling us to awake out of sleep!  Jesus is telling us to watch and pray and to  take heed that no one deceives us!  Let God take a firm hold of our lives like He did for Isaiah.  Let Him give us the strength and courage to not act like the nations and tremble with their fears.  Let’s fear and respect God and acknowledge His authority over all creation and know above all else that He is with us!

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