The Table is Set

The Table is Set

Psalms 23:5 – You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

I awoke in the middle of the night and made the mistake of going through the notifications on my phone. I came across an email encouraging me to boost my immune system through the purchase of some heavily discounted supplements.  The doctor seemed very credible and made a super convincing argument in his favor citing over 50 clinical studies throughout his presentation.  He made me feel as though my health, in light of current events and a forboding forecast of the future, depended upon his product.  My fears were aroused once more and I was tempted to redirect what was left of my finances towards the purchase it.  I went back to sleep wondering what to do.

As I drifted awake again my mind returned to Psalm 23 and to the verse we’re covering today.  We are surrounded by enemies.  Our only trusted ally is the Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ, who has prepared a table for us containing the bread and the water of life.  While our diets should be balanced and we should be contientious about eating healthy – we should never skip out on the most important meal of all – “every Word that comes from the mouth of God.” – Matthew 4:4. In fact, why not make Jesus our first meal of the day – as soon as we wake up! Each day our enemies are lined up ready to take shots at us from every angle and what do we normally do?  We rush into our day while Jesus is left waiting at the table that He has set with the words of life that we desperately need for safety and peace of mind. 

Let’s take the time to sit with Him and feast on the Words of life.  We’ll come away from the experience with a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit, prepared for a day overflowing with temptations, challenges, and, best of all, victories!

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