Prayer from the Pit

Prayer from the Pit

Jonah 2:5 – Water engulfed me up to my neck; the deep ocean surrounded me; seaweed was wrapped around my head. 6 – I went down to the very bottoms of the mountains; the gates of the netherworld barred me in forever; but you brought me up from the Pit, O LORD, my God. 7 – When my life was ebbing away, I called out to the LORD, and my prayer came to your holy temple.

verse 8 – Those who worship worthless idols forfeit the mercy that could be theirs. 9 – But as for me, I promise to offer a sacrifice to you with a public declaration of praise; I will surely do what I have promised. Salvation belongs to the LORD!” 10 – Then the LORD commanded the fish and it disgorged Jonah on dry land.

When it seems as though you can’t get any deeper in your journey away from God – know that your prayers will reach Him. You can still find sanctuary with Jesus where mercy and forgiveness abound. Salvation is for Jesus to give and He will command the forces of the deep to release you on dry land where you can breathe in the fresh air of heaven and testify to others that God is love!

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