The Real God

The Real God

Jonah 1:5 – The sailors were so afraid that each cried out to his own god and they flung the ship’s cargo overboard to make the ship lighter. Jonah, meanwhile, had gone down into the hold below deck, had lain down, and was sound asleep.

The storm was raging all around him and Jonah was asleep.  All the sailors were praying to their gods with no effect while Jonah was the only one on the boat who had a connection with the real God – and he was snoring instead of praying.

Are we asleep and completely blind to the storm that God has permitted to rage around us? So many are desperately praying to the gods of horoscope and artificial intelligence or looking for meaning in the morning, daily, evening, and late night shows on TV. People are afraid of world war III or the next pandemic and are desperately seeking comfort through the avenues of the world; just like the sailors praying to everything they thought would work, but had no clue that the storm was sent by God.

Are we asleep to the fact that everything happening around us is happening according to the prophetic record? There is nothing happening in the world that God has not already revealed would happen. The wars, the famine, the pestilence (pandemics), the earthquakes, the false gods; even the persecution felt in varying degrees in every country including the USA – God said it would all happen.

As soon as Jonah awoke and was confronted with the storm and the terrified sailors – he knew that he was to blame for this crisis. Are Christians to blame for the many crises that are happening in the world? No – but many are asleep or are running away refusing to speak up and testify that they worship the LORD, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land.

God is real and we don’t have to be troubled like the rest of the world. Let’s truly worship God daily, not just in church. Let’s get thrown out into the deep end of life and witness as God takes care of our storms and shows others that He is the one true, and real God!

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