Working For Eternal Life

Working For Eternal Life

John 6:27 – Let your work not be for the food which comes to an end, but for the food which goes on for eternal life, which the Son of man will give to you, for on him has God the Father put his mark. 28 – Then they said to him, How may we do the works of God? 29 – Jesus, answering, said to them, This is to do the work of God: to have faith in him whom God has sent.

No wonder this is called work.  When we leave the halls of our churches and re-enter the environments of our daily work – where does Jesus fit in?  Jesus is the one whom God sent as a baby found in a stable by wise men and shepherds; led by stars and angels.

The shepherds and wise men all returned to their day jobs when their visitation with Jesus was over but they all took the hope of Jesus with them.  This was their true work.  Everything else was secondary.  May it be the same with us.  Our first work is to have faith in Jesus – this is the work that leads us to eternal life.  All other work is secondary.

Let’s labor together for the food which goes on for eternal life for Jesus said – I am the living bread which has come from heaven: if any man takes this bread for food he will have life for ever: and more than this, the bread which I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world. – John 6:51.

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