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Assigned to Us

Deuteronomy 4:19 – When you look up to the sky and see the sun, moon, and stars – the whole heavenly creation – you must not be seduced to worship and serve them, for the LORD your God has assigned them to all the people of the world.

According to ‘National Geographic’ – The sun has extremely important influences on our planet:  It drives weather, ocean currents, seasons, and climate and makes plant life possible through photosynthesis. Without the sun’s heat and light, life on Earth would not exist.

After reading such words as this from ‘Nat-Geo’ it’s easy to be seduced into worshiping and serving something that has such amazing abilities as our sun.  The sun’s amazing abilities were noted by the people in Moses’ day as well, which prompted the important reminder from Moses in Deuteronomy 4:19.  The sun is part of the heavenly creation.  It was created by the Lord our God and given the assignment of serving all the people of the world.  The sun was designed to serve our needs, not the other way around. 

If we recognize that the sun is such an amazing entity that provides such incredible life-giving functions – what does that say about God who created it?  God is infinitely more amazing!  God is truly deserving of all our worship for creating such things that defy our understanding.

According to the angel in Revelation 14:7 – Let us “Fear God and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has arrived, and worship the one who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water!”

“He alone possess immortality and lives in unapproachable light, whom no human has ever seen or is able to see. To him be honor and eternal power! Amen” – 1 Timothy 6:16.

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