Old Reliable Paths

Old Reliable Paths

Jeremiah 6:16 – The LORD said to his people: “You are standing at the crossroads. So consider your path. Ask where the old, reliable paths are. Ask where the path is that leads to blessing and follow it.  If you do, you will find rest for your souls.” But they said, “We will not follow it!”

The people of Jerusalem during the time of Jeremiah were challenged by God to ask two questions:

Where are the old, reliable paths?

Where is the path that leads to blessing?

I believe these are valid questions to ask today.  A headline in my ‘apple’ news feed talked about reversing death – this led me to other articles leading to theories by scientists claiming evidence proving death is not real.  These are stunning claims that have no basis in truth yet are being excitedly promoted as paths to follow.  The serpent presented a new path to Eve when he told her “you shall not surely die.”  (Genesis 3:4). When Eve’s eyes were opened she admitted to God that she was deceived (Genesis 3:13).

Beware of these new paths presented by eloquent scientists who are full of darkness.  The secrets of life and death are not found in quantum theory or any other man-made theory – they are found in Jesus Christ who invites us to ask Him the tough questions.  Ask Jesus:  Where are the old, reliable paths?  Ask Jesus:  Where is the path that leads to blessing?  So many are refusing to ask and follow Jesus.

In a world that is constantly looking for new ways to live while heading towards destruction, Jesus is and always will be the oldest and most reliable path to peace and rest.  Let’s ask and follow Jesus today!

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