Living in the Field

Living in the Field

Luke 2:8 – Now there were shepherds nearby living out in the field, keeping guard over their flock at night. 9 – An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were absolutely terrified.

Thinking about the shepherds today.  Living with their flocks in the field.  Enduring a night shift.  I wonder what time of the night the angel of the Lord appeared to them.  What was on their minds?

What goes through your mind as you head out into your ‘field’ to work?  Do you enjoy what you do?  Is it just a job?  Being a shepherd was regarded as one of the worst jobs ever.  On that one night, however, it all changed as the people regarded as being at the bottom on the scale of preferred jobs were paid the highest honor when they were visited by the Lord’s angel.

Whatever job you are doing. Whatever field you are in.  Know that Jesus sees you, understands you, and loves you.  You may be stuck in a ‘dead end job’ just like the shepherds were but do not lose hope.  Jesus came to this earth because it was locked in a ‘dead end’ spiral and only He could reverse its course by becoming our shepherd.  Jesus knows what it’s like to be in a ‘dead end’ job since His job of saving us would only end with His death.  From the cross Jesus cried out “It is finished” just before He died – but now He lives!.

Do your job with all your might and know that you have the eternal respect and love of the great Shepherd who knows what it’s like to be where you are.   Your Savior, Jesus Christ, was born ‘in the field of this world.’ He is keeping watch over you 24 hours a day 7 days a week and He is coming again to lift you up to be where He is forever and ever!

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