Ponder the Meaning

Ponder the Meaning

Luke 2:19 – But Mary treasured up all these words, pondering in her heart what they might mean. 20 – So the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen; everything was just as they had been told.

Let’s try to put ourselves in Mary’s shoes. Engaged to a great guy. Had a strange vision with an angel who told her she’s going to get pregnant without ever being intimate with a man.  Was it just a dream?  She discovered she’s pregnant.  Do you get pregnant from a kiss or holding hands?  No, of course not.   Was she raped while she slept?  There were no signs of being forced.  In Joseph’s mind there’s only one explanation and then he wanted to call everything off.  Both hearts were broken.  Then Joseph had a dream with an angel.  His heart completely changed.  

Months go by.  More than just a baby bump is showing.  Had to travel to Bethlehem.  traveling was rough.  No room in the inn.  Was this really happening?  No place found except where the farm animals were kept.  No crib but a manger. No bed except hay.  Smell of manure was in the air.  Then the labor pains.  Jesus was born.  He looked like any other baby.  Wise men arrived with gifts.  Shepherds arrived.  How were they found?  Incredible stories were told about stars and angels.

Was Jesus really the one?  Think about your own story.  Think about all the twists and turns.  Think about all the strange coincidences.  Think about all the weird times doors of opportunity opened and closed.  Think of all the pain endured.  Think of all the promises in the Scriptures.  Think of all the prayers uttered in joy and frustration.  Think of all the possibilities and ponder the meaning behind them all.  Jesus is your Savior.  He is real.  He is coming again. 

Ponder the meaning of Mary’s story.  Ponder the meaning of your own story and know that Jesus is the subject of your own great story of deliverance.  Jesus is your Redeemer and He loves you!

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