Take God Seriously

Take God Seriously

Exodus 9:18 – I am going to cause very severe hail to rain down about this time tomorrow, such hail as has never ocurred in Egypt from the day it was founded until now. 19 – So now, send instructions to gather your livestock and all your possessions in the fields to a safe place. Every person or animal caught in the field and not brought into the house – the hail will come down on them, and they will die!

verse 20 – Those of Pharaoh’s servants who feared the word of the LORD hurried to bring their servants and livestock into the houses, but those who did not take the word of the LORD seriously left their servants and their cattle in the field.

With divine accuracy the hail would not hurt the people, cattle, or possessions that were in their safe places in from the fields.  Those who decided to take their chances and remain out in the field were dead.  There would be no survivors among those who did not fear and obey the word of the LORD.

God forecasted the hail through His servant Moses.  There was sufficient time to obey.  There were also 6 prior plagues in which the words and power of God were demonstrated to be true.  That’s the evidence!

There is no difference today.  In the Bible the prophets of old have forecasted the time of the end.  These are God’s forecasts.  Check out these words of God through the prophet Amos:  “If an alarm sounds in a city, do people not fear? If disaster overtakes a city, is the LORD not responsible? Certainly the sovereign LORD does nothing without first revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who is not afraid? the sovereign LORD has spoken! Who can refuse to prophesy?” – Amos 3:6-8.

Revelation 1:3 says –  How blessed is the one who reads aloud and those who hear the words of this prophecy and obey what is written in it, for the time is near!

Who will fear the word of the LORD and hurry to obey?  Who is going to take God seriously?  There is still time seek out the safe place in the good news of Jesus Christ and come out of the world. 

The LORD is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my stronghold in whom I take refuge, my shield, the glory of my salvation, and my high tower.  I cried out to the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, and I was delivered from my enemies. – Psalms 18:2,3.

Let’s take God seriously today for He seriously loves us!

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