The Lord Struck Pharaoh

The Lord struck Pharaoh

Genesis 12:15 – When Pharaoh’s officials saw her, they praised her to Pharoah. So Abram’s wife was taken into the household of Pharaoh, 16 – and he did treat Abram well on account of her. Abram received sheep and cattle, male donkeys, male servants, female servants, female donkeys, and camels.

verse 17 – But the LORD struck Pharaoh and his household with severe diseases because of Sarai, Abram’s wife. 18 – So Pharaoh summoned Abram and said, “What is this you have done to me? Why didn’t you tell me that she was your wife?

It’s not worth it to be treated well on the basis of a lie.  Abram, scared for his life, pleaded with Sarai to introduce herself to the Pharaoh as Abram’s sister, not wife.  The Pharaoh then proceeded to start the process of making Sarai his wife and began presenting Abram with many gifts.  Abram’s plan was working but God’s plan wasn’t.  Abram was getting richer but the world would lose out on the divine promise.  Abram had begun a course of action that he couldn’t reverse on his own so God stepped in to make things right.

Let’s not lose our resolve over the fear of what might happen if we remain true to God.  Looking again at Abram’s story – if Abram had told the truth about his marriage to Sarai, God would have stepped in to save him if his life would have ever been in danger.  God stepped in to save Sarai, to save a marriage, and to save our world so we could receive the covenant blessing.  In the end it won’t be just the Egyptians getting struck. The entire world will be struck with severe plagues as evidence that God is real.  Praise God He is coming to deliver His people and make things right!

Have a blessed Sabbath!

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