From One World to Another

From One World to Another

Genesis 9:28 – After the flood Noah lived 350 years. 29 – The entire lifetime of Noah was 950 years, and then he died.

Noah lived 600 years until the destruction of the earth by water. Noah then lived another 350 years in what the world became after the flood. It seemed as though he and his family traveled from one world to another aboard the ark.

Everything about the new world was not necessarily an improvement over the old – in many respects the landscape of the world was much worse. There were issues with Noah’s family as well. Noah becoming drunk off the wine of his vineyard and exposing himself. Noah’s son, Ham, witnessing his father’s nakedness and becoming cursed as a result. The transition to the new world had one significant ray of hope. God’s perpetual covenant.

Jesus is the constant in the world before and after the flood. He also has plans to make a new heaven and earth (see Revelation 21:1). As I think about Noah being a type of Christ, there is a promise Jesus made to his disciples at the last supper. Jesus said: “For I tell you that from now on I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.” – Luke 22:18.

Noah, being a man of the soil, enjoyed the fruit of the vine alone and it made him drunk. Jesus, who created us from the ground, promises to not enjoy the fruit of the vine until the arrival of the kingdom of God. Guaranteed, when that day comes He will not become drunk on the wine, enjoying it in solitude. We will enjoy the fruit of the new world with Him, never to part from Him again.

There is a great transition coming from one world to another. Jesus is our bridge between worlds as one will pass away and a new one is born. The blessing of this transition is that we won’t be bringing any baggage of the old world with us like Noah did in the ark! Let’s not forget the rainbows Jesus places in the clouds as His perpetual covenant to us. His Kingdom is coming. Let’s get ready to meet Him!

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