Have You Seen Jesus?

Have you seen Jesus?

John 9:35 – It came to the ears of Jesus that they had put him out, and meeting him he said, Have you faith in the Son of man? 36 – He said in answer, And who is he, Lord? Say, so that I may have faith in him. 37 – Jesus said to him, You have seen him; it is he who is talking to you. 38 – And he said, Lord, I have faith. And he gave him worship.

Jesus gave sight to the man who was blind from birth yet when the man actually regained his sight he did not immediately see Jesus for Jesus had mixed his saliva with the dirt and placed it on his eyes and told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam. The man followed Jesus instructions and was overjoyed to discover he could see but Jesus was not with him.

The man could see but he did not see Jesus. Jesus came to find him. When the man found out who Jesus was, he worshiped Him. Jesus had been trying to convince His critics to take a look at all the evidence pointing to Himself as the son of God, but they refused to see it.

Verse 39 – And Jesus said, I came into this world to be a judge, so that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind. 40 – These words came to the ears of the Pharisees who were with him and they said to him, Are we, then, blind? 41 – Jesus said to the, If you were blind you would have no sin: but now that you say, we see; your sin is there still.

Where are we in all this? Are we blind or do we see? The Pharisees were proud to regard themselves as whole and in need of nothing, yet they were completely blind to the presence of Jesus in their midst and knew not the salvation and peace that could have been theirs. Jesus told them plainly – your sin is there still.

Jesus wants us to walk in His light and see all the evidence that He is real – that only in Him can we find wholeness, salvation and peace. Let us not walk proudly in ignorance but allow Jesus to find us and give us more than just physical sight – but to give us the faith to see Him at work in our lives – so we may worship Him in our acts of love both now and forever!

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