This is Your Hour

This is Your Hour

Luke 22:53 – Day after day when I was with you in the temple courts, you did not arrest me. But this is your hour, and that of the power of darkness!”

Jesus was addressing the chief priests, the officers of the temple guard, and the elders who had spent day after day, Sabbath after Sabbath plotting the murder of Jesus and now here they were with their own crowd of people following after Judas.

Judas, formerly one of the twelve disciples, decided to take all his God-given resources and train them on taking Jesus down and for what? A few coins of silver? This reminds me of someone else who used to be close to Jesus – the devil himself formerly called Lucifer. He took all his God-given resources and turned on God too. He wanted the throne of God. He wanted to be the Most High. He failed in heaven. He would try to succeed again in Judas.

Jesus was not in heaven. He was vulnerable. This was the devil’s golden opportunity. This was his hour and he took it. Jesus knew this was their hour and He was prepared for it.

The devil’s not done. He failed in Judas. The war is not over. Revelation 12:17 says – So the dragon became enraged at the woman and went away to make war on the rest of her children, those who keep God’s commandments and hold to the testimony about Jesus.

The darkest hour of humanity is approaching – the hour before dawn breaks and Jesus returns for His people. Jesus was nightly in the garden praying in preparation for the hour of darkness. We should be doing the same thing too! This is our hour to prepare! Let’s not get distracted, deceived, or depressed at all that is taking place around us. Jesus forewarned us that trouble was coming. Praise God the coming of Jesus is that much nearer too!

This is your hour – let’s spend it with Jesus!

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