A Good Opportunity

A Good Opportunity

Luke 22:1 – Now the Festival of Unleavened Bread, which is called the Passover, was near. 2 – So the high priests and the scribes were looking for a way to put him to death, because they were afraid of the crowd.

Verse 3 – But Satan went into Judas called Iscariot, who belonged to the circle of the Twelve. 4 – So he went off and discussed with the high priests and the Temple police how he could betray Jesus to them.

Verse 5 – They were delighted, and agreed to give him money. 6 – Judas accepted their offer and began to look for a good opportunity to betray Jesus to them when no crowd was present.

What a tragic use of the word ‘good.’ We can be like that too – looking for ‘good opportunities’ to sin – but what does it give us in the end? Misery and woe. We know where Judas’s good opportunity led him. It led him to take his own life as the Lord whom he betrayed hung from the cross.

Good opportunities to do what we know is wrong always lead to tragic results. Instead let’s look for opportunities to do good – sure it may involve us being inconvenienced or we may even suffer for it – but when we do good because of Jesus – it will all be worth it in the end when Jesus comes again!

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